Go fast – Go slow – use Rezl like Paracetamol

I recently took some time to talk with a number of our Rezl users.

Amongst the insights I gained was that some users are “binging” the tutorials and meditations – to learn the secrets quickly.  However, they did recognise (…it’s one of the secrets) that knowing how Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy can help you to avoid emotional reactions or to avoid being overwhelmed by depression and anxiety is one thing – but practicing, through meditation, to gain such benefits is another.  So I am pleased to report that the “bingers” went on to regularly practice their mediation with Rezl.

There were two groups of users who immediately seize on Rezl as offering an instant remedy to challenging episodes – people with anxiety (including those experiencing panic attacks) and those with problems getting to sleep.  These users tend to reach for Rezl and the relevant toolbox meditations whenever they had need of them.  Kind of like having paracetamol handy… always available whenever they need it.